

Executive Committee 2023-2024

  • Co-President:
    Tina Bivin
  • Co-President:
    Pam Boyd
  • 1st Vice President, Programs:
    Jennifer Yoder
  • 2nd Vice President, Membership:
    Marie-Helene Turkopp
  • 3rd Vice President, Yearbooks:
    Mindy McQueen
  • Treasurer:
    Jill Cocker
  • Secretary:
    Marcy Butler
Questions about KGC?
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Become a Member

Any resident of the Kingwood area interested in horticulture or floral design is welcome to become a member of our club.
Dues are $60.00 per year. The club is active from September through May. Annual dues can be paid March through May for the following year. Anyone joining in January or February for the current year will pay $30.00 for the remainder of the year.
Only members whose dues are paid are entitled to vote, or participate in Club activities unless function is open for guests.
Members whose dues are delinquent shall be automatically dropped from the membership list before the September meeting.

Member Discount Card

  • A discount program has been established for Kingwood Garden Club members.
  • The card will be activated from September - September.
  • The card will enable members to receive discounts at participating garden centers, floral shops and floral wholesale suppliers.

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Do you have any questions?

Feel free to contact us