
Special Events

  • GardenFest

    Date: Saturday, April 5, 2025
    Time: 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
    Location: Kingwood Park Community Center
    Address: 4102 Rustic Woods, Kingwood, Texas 77345
    Free to the Public - A Family Educational Gardening Event.
    The activities will include Floral Demonstrations, Gardening Speakers, Children’s Gardening activities, Horticurtural Display, Share-A-Plant, Garden Table Designs, and Recipes using Garden herbs.

  • Kingwood Garden Club's 25th Annual
    ReForest the Forest Tree Sale
    Date: TBA
    Time: 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

    Location: Town Center Park, Kingwood, Texas
    Open to the Public
    Native trees and shrubs, fruit trees and edibles
    *** Virtual Sales / Pre-Orders Preferred ***
  • Sale of native trees and shrubs and those adapted for living in our area. This event is sponsored by the club as a gift to the community and is not a fund raising event.

  • Caladium Sale
    Fundraiser for the club

  • Horiticultural Display (Flower Show)
    The Kingwood Garden Club presents a standard flower show to showcase members’ horticultural and floral arranging talents every third year. Members display examples of their horticulture specimen and create unique floral designs for judging. After the judging the event is open to the public for viewing. This is an excellent opportunity for community residents to gain insights into what plants grow well in the area as well as inspiring ideas for using flowers and plant materials in arrangements in their homes.

  • Community Share-A-Plant
    This is an opportunity for Garden Club members to share their plants and knowledge with the community. This is not a fund raising event. All plants are free.

Do you have any questions?

Feel free to contact us